Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, I spent most of my childhood drawing and painting. My love for visual expression led me to enroll at the University of New York at Buffalo, where I pursued a Bachelor of Fine Arts. During my studies, I explored various disciplines including painting and photography. With a desire for adventure, I went abroad to study aesthetics and philosophy my junior year. Not only was I able to expand my education, but I made friends from all over the world, started taking Muay Thai classes, and developed a love for travel that has been with me ever since.
In 2002, I moved to Brooklyn, New York to pursue a Master of Fine Arts at Pratt Institute. Shortly after my classes began, I changed from painting to sculpture and started to create a new body of artwork. After receiving my MFA, I continued my studio practice and I also began a career in design. Both avenues developed over the following years and by 2008, I had my first solo show in Brooklyn and I moved up to the level of Senior Designer.
In 2009, I landed a job as an Art Director at an agency in Wellington, New Zealand. Following hours of visa paperwork and pairing down my belongings, I was leading a new team and creating visual identities for their top clients. I was also taking Muay Thai classes once again.
After two years, and still passionate about exploring the world, I moved to France for a year. I started in Nice and then moved to Paris, where I did freelance design work, taught English, and spent hours walking the streets taking photos. Since getting a Carte de Résident was unlikely, I moved back to Brooklyn in 2012.
I quickly picked up where I left off and joined an in-house creative group. I lead a small team, spearhead tech-based initiatives such as using NFC technology, and took photographs for the brand library. In 2017, I moved at a startup and loved the energy and culture.
As for my artwork, I started to work digitally, render surreal environments, and leverage 3D printing. While it’s been a steep learning curve, the technology opened up so many possibilities. Over the past few years, I’ve participated in three artist residencies, one in France, one at a maker’s lab in upstate New York, and one at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City.
While I am constantly sculpting new figures or creating jewelry, I continue to work as a product designer. And, it’s not uncommon to find me wandering the streets of Brooklyn with my camera.